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AI Business

AI Business

AI Business is an MBA program that uses big data and artificial intelligence to improve your management competencies so that your business can keep up with the latest trends in digital transformation. The latest development of information technologies such as artificial intelligence and big data accelerates digitalization in the industrial structure and the competitive landscape, ushering in digital transformation that prompts revolutionary changes in the industrial ecosystem as a whole. AI Business aims to produce excellent managers who can identify opportunities and risk factors in digital transformation using big data and artificial intelligence and discover creative ways to respond to the ever-changing business environment. To this end, our students learn the latest theories and trends in big data analysis and artificial intelligence and apply the knowledge to real-life business cases with a view to creative and convergence-oriented digital management capabilities that enable data-based decisions. With the practical knowledge skills related to the latest IT and AI trends, our graduates advance not only into the fields for traditional management majors but also occupations and industries that require both management and cutting-edge IT-related knowledge. Changing jobs or starting a business is another option.

AI Business combines what Management Information System has offered for 50 years with the latest corporate information system, big data analysis, data mining, deep learning, machine learning, Internet-of-Things, and metaverse and then applies this combination to business management. This helps business professionals make the most of artificial intelligence. This kind of human-AI convergence creates a rational corporate management environment

Head Professor
Lee Jung-Min

AI leads the era of digital transformation.
With the essence of what GSBA has offered for 54 years, AI Business guides you to get ahead of the times.