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Convergence Management for Senary Industry

Convergence Management for Senary Industry
The three-sector model in economics divides economies into three sectors of activity: agriculture and fisheries (primary), manufacturing and processing (secondary), and service industries (tertiary). Senary industry is the convergence of the three sectors to create added value.

Convergence Management for Senary Industry focuses on value creation by converging values of individual sectors based on science and technology and adding innovative strategic convergence management systems. We focus on bio-health-related senary industries as a new growth engine. It is time to become a technology manager specializing in this new potential with insight and vision shining brightly amidst dynamic changes. We are looking forward to seeing you in the Convergence Department and working with you to identify creative ideas.

주임교수 김진수

Head Professor
Kim Jin-Soo

We need global experts specialized in convergence management to create future values from senary industries related to bio-health and other science and technology areas. We will help you to create an insightful vision for dynamic change in convergence management and rise as a professional manager leading a senary industry business.